Family Entertainment; where offline beats online!
No mall today can afford to operate in isolation and just be a ‘shopping’ destination. In a time where you can buy a jeans in two clicks on the internet, consumers look for experiences, entertainment and possibilities to spend quality time with family and friends in shopping centers.

And that is where Coool! Gaming by Kiddieland comes in.
Coool! Gaming by Kiddieland is the perfect connection between retail and entertainment. In the Coool! Stores you will find virtual bowling alleys, interactive kiddie rides, air hockeys and many more. All of this merged in a very exciting, high-quality and stylish atmosphere, where children, teenagers and parents feel at home.
Coool! Gaming by Kiddieland is an adventure world for the whole family and makes the shopping center Family Friendly!

Let us make your commercial Real Estate childfriendly in a profitable way. Please contact us for further details since our website is only showing a glance. Or better, make an appointment for a surprising vision!